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Sunday 1 December 2013

Mutual Fund Investors Beware - Investing

By Frank Miller

Investing in mutual funds may not be as attractive as it used to be! There's an industry-wide shift occurring that is certain to affect you. Across the board, mutual fund companies are imposing redemption fees. Whether you invest in no-load funds, big funds, small funds through your 401(k), understanding these changes is essential. The year old 'Mutual Fund Scandal' exposed a number of problems within the mutual fund industry. The crux of the problem was the fact that mutual funds were treating large, multi-million dollar Hedge-fund traders differently than they treated their average investor. Some mutual funds allowed these Hedge funds to move in and out of the mutual fund quickly, often only remaining in the mutual fund for a few days at a time. This has been referred to as market timing.

The problem is that market timing it not illegal. The problem occurred when the mutual fund stated in it's prospectus that it did not allow that activity while they secretly allowed privileged investors to do it anyway. For instance, large hedge funds would move millions of dollars into a mutual fund one day and sell it out the next. This gave the mutual funds increased fees while hurting the return of their regular investors. In response, the SEC has proposed a number of rule changes. One rule would require mutual funds to impose a redemption fee when a sale occurs within five days of purchase. Unfortunately, many mutual fund companies have seen this as an opportunity to impose new fees that make it harder for you to move your money elsewhere. So the SEC's involvement has had the unintended effect of increasing costs and reducing flexibility for the average mutual fund investor.

Modigliani and Modigliani recognized that average investors did not find the Sharpe ratio intuitive and addressed this shortcoming by multiplying the Sharpe ratio by the standard deviation of the excess returns on a broad market index, such as the S&P 500 or the Wilshire 5000, for the same time period. This yields the risk-adjusted excess return. This, too, is a significant and useful statistic, as it measures the return in excess of the risk-free rate, which is the basis from which all risky investments should be measured. However, this still falls a bit short of being truly intuitive to the average investor, and excess returns are not part of the mutual fund data that is ordinarily published.

Not only investors and those nearing retirement can benefit from a mutual fund, the young generation can, too. Those single individuals or single parents or young individuals who just want to start all over again can do so with a mutual fund. Mutual funds accept small investments even those under a thousand dollars. Though you start small, there are dozens of investors who pool their investments together with yours, all for one purpose, to make more money.

A mutual fund allows you to invest yet rest in knowing that your investments remain safe. A mutual fund offers low risk in managing your investments simply because of diversification. Since a mutual fund engages in different types of securities or investment strategies, your risk of losing money is lessened. If one strategy doesn't work or falters, you still have other strategies that are working to gain you more money. What's more is that with a mutual fund, your opportunities for earning more money is increased compared to investing on your own. When you invest with a mutual fund you reach more opportunities and diversification much more than you could have done when you are on your own.

Lastly, investing with a mutual fund offers convenience and protection for you as an investor. You can sell your liquid assets quickly and easily through a mutual fund which means that you can earn and get your money in just a matter of days. You also do not stand to lose money to other shareholders since you possess certain rights being a shareholder yourself. Try investing in mutual funds and experience the ease and safety of investing.

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