There are many people around the world that are finding it tough financially. With the present state of the economy the stress of finances is enormous. Many people are looking for free financial tips so that they can get back on track financially. You may be interested in this article if you are looking for financial advice.There's no such thing as a free lunch, and that especially applies to supposedly free financial advice. Here's how to spot them so you don't get stung.

Tuesday 28 January 2014

How To Negotiate Your Mortgage Rate

By Jim Thorpe

Do you ever have those experiences that, in the moment, feel incredibly stressful and overwhelming? This story was one of those moments for me. I can laugh about it now, only a few days later, but in the moment it was almost the final nick in the fragile dam that was holding my emotional well-being together.

Candles would be properly blown out before going to bed at night. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world, and we often forget to take care of one small detail. The resulting fire damage is enough to change our lives forever. Accidents happen and there will always be a need to put these flames out.

I was sitting at the kitchen table getting some work done and the kids were in the other room playing quietly when a loud knock rapped on the door. I got up and walked to the door expecting a neighbor's child asking to play with the 4 year old. Instead, when I opened the door, I was immediately overwhelmed by the smell of natural gas.

So although you can't always protect your family by keeping the heater working right, or remembering to blow out the candle every night, you can do at least one thing to ensure the safety of your family, you can maintain your fire alarm and sprinkler system.

Behind him I could see a neighbor lady, her kids in a stroller, with a concerned look on her face peering around the officer. I shut the door and went to inspect the various rooms of the home to see if I could smell anything inside. A few minutes later another knock sounded and I went to answer the door.

Go online first and find your credit score. Many companies can give you a general feel for your score, but you need to know what it is exactly. Visit For around fifty dollars you can get your score from the three bureaus as well as your credit history. Don't worry, this is a soft pull and will not negatively affect your score. On that same note, do not let lenders pull your credit score till you have chosen one. This hard pull will affect your score. Check with local banks and credit unions apart from your own bank. Also throw in a mortgage broker or two. Collect information from these different banks. Gather up the rates the offer along with closing costs and other associated terms. The more detail you collect the more bargaining power you have against the different lenders.

I hurried to grab shoes, the diaper bag, my computer, and snacks for the children. I went into the room where they were playing and took each of them by the hand and walked out of the house suddenly feeling like a homeless bag-lady with two small kids. The neighbor generously offered to let us come to her home while we waited for the response team to show up.

You are much more likely to hear the alarm if it's blaring in your ear, not when it quietly enters your dreams from down the hall. Test these alarms monthly. They also recommend installing ionization and photoelectric smoke alarms (or dual sensor smoke alarms).

Two fire trucks, three ambulances, a police truck, the original animal control officer's truck and the truck of another animal control officer (who was bored and in the area) were all parked in front of my house.

If there was one thing you did to fight fires at home, it should at least be the proper maintenance of your smoke alarms (and sprinkler systems if you have them).

Luckily all of us were able to stay safe and the leak was small. If the situation had been worse we might have had to leave the home while they turned off the gas until the leak could be dug up and fixed or, if the leak had been inside, we would have had to tear down walls until the leak could be located and repaired. The moral of this story is, when it rains, it pours and it's better to be safe than sorry.

Check that what you discussed and agreed to is inside the agreement. Once you are sure, sign the agreement and begin looking for houses in your budget, best of luck!

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