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Saturday, 21 June 2014

Helpful Bookkeeping Tips Offered By Los Angeles Accounting Firm

By Mary Badder

Bookkeeping can be a scary task to small business owners. It is important to keep good records of invoices, expenses, and income. In the event your business is audited, having your books organized and complete will be helpful. A Los Angeles accountant can offer several tips to help you avoid problems.

The first important tip is to make sure you have a solid paper, or audit, trail. This is a complete record in numerical order, of all the invoices, expenses, and checks for your business. A good bookkeeping software program can help you stay organized by providing a stress free system.

Use the calendar on your computer to send reminders about important dates. You can set reminders regarding payroll deadlines, bills you need to pay, and any taxes that are coming due. Paying bills and taxes on time will save your business money in the long run.

Today, it is very common for folks to pay their bills online. It is not just environmentally friendly, it is convenient to schedule E bills to be paid automatically online. Keep in mind, however, that if audited, you will have no paper trail. Digital information is not acceptable for an audit, so it is best to have the bank send statements and to keep copies of your bills and invoices.

Be certain that you keep records that are complete. Having a proper system in place for record keeping is what successful companies are built on. All the financial decisions that your company will make are based on your financial records. You can not make reliable financial decisions for your company if you do not have proper bookkeeping practices.

Lastly, it is important that the right software is correctly installed right from the beginning. Setting up your bookkeeping software correctly will offer your business reliable financial reporting. These suggestions helps your business streamline the bookkeeping process.

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